Thursday 1 March 2012

Twenty-four (24)

A day without tango?

Not really possible.

No milonga, maybe.

But there's music to listen to in the car, on headphones in the lunch break, on the radio in the evening.

There's a walk to practice whenever we walk.  I feel that, as a leader, I have a lucky break in this.  I can practice my walk slightly more discreetly than a follower.  Who would tend to practice walking backwards.  In high heels.

There's a blog or an article or something else to read.  Someone's thoughts that I'll have never thought about before.  There's therefore something to think about, too.

Arrangements to make, photos to look at, people to coordinate with, muscles to stretch or knead or exercise.

The problem with having a day without dancing, is that it's all too easy to fill it up with too much tango.

There are 24 hours in a day, give or take.

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