Thursday 26 January 2012


I do like going to a new venue.  I like the moment when you park the car, knowing you're in the right street, but nowhere leaps out at you saying 'The milonga's here, come on in'.  I like the underground feeling.  If you didn't know it was there, you'd never stumble on it.

And then, standing in the street staring at blank walls, you have an idea.  You look around.  Sure enough, someone's walking the streets clutching a shoe bag.  Here's another one.  They converge on a doorway.  You approach it hesitantly.

Then there's the sound.  You can only experience it once in each place.  That first time you hear the music echoing down unfamiliar hallways and corridors.  It reassures you that you're okay, you're in the right place, your journey's been worthwhile.

So all in a line, like the Pied Piper's children, you follow the sound.


  1. What a lovely description - you've captured the sense of anticipation beautifully. Navigating the backstreets of an unfamiliar city in search of a milonga is one of the joys of foreign travel!
