Tuesday 3 April 2012

Eight (8)

There's magic and joy and sharing in tango, but in order to experience that you need the base requirement of trust.  I sometimes wonder that any of you women out there manage to trust any of us men at all.  How do you let go and give yourself completely to the moment, as the best of you do with every single tanda?

I've seen some very untrustworthy men recently, whose behaviour prompted me to write a very long and angry post, which I've now deleted.  I rewrote it and deleted it again.  Suffice it to say that sometimes just taking a breath doesn't seem sufficient.

An Octopus has eight arms, matching the number of tentacles that some men appear to have while dancing.

1 comment:

  1. "How do you let go and give yourself completely to the moment"
    It's easy BECAUSE it's only the moment. :)
