Saturday 11 February 2012


The first song finishes.  You've just danced your first ever dance with a visiting tanguera.  Perhaps it was a sweet and delicate Fresedo track.  Or maybe Donato.  Perhaps Biagi.  Were you feeling confident?

This may be the first time you exchange a few words with her, beyond 'hello'.  By now, you both know whether this thing is going to work or not.  Maybe you don't quite yet have each other's measure.  Maybe you do.  I know one leader who can find the core of a new partner's musicality within minutes.  It takes me longer.  I still spend too much time showing off my musicality and only slowly pick up on hers.  I know there are others who drone on for a long time before realising that she has anything musical to say at all.  But wherever you fit on that sliding scale, you're wiser now than you were three minutes ago.  And even if you're not, she is.

And you've got three more songs left.  Three more chances to get to know her.  Three more chances to change, adapt, find who she is and what she hears and how she likes to move.  Three times three minutes.

The introduction to the next Fresedo or Donato or Biagi track is nearly over.

You embrace each other again, and learn.

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