Some people have this thing. They just magnetise themselves. The world organises itself to revolve around them for a little while. It's fascinating to watch, and it's interesting to try to resist it. We don't quite queue for dances, but around these people we do the closest thing to it. We wait until the tanda ends and look hopefully at them. From the opposite side of the room, from a vantage point in the doorway, from a couple of chairs down. They choose someone to dance with, and then the room shuffles around as the rest of us become aware of each others' existence again.
Some of them don't even notice they have it.
But here's the good part.
Everyone has days when they're the one with it. You wake up in a good mood, you have a lazy day and relax or else get a lot done and feel on top of the world. You get to the milonga and everything goes right. From the first moment to the last bars of La Cumparsita. Those are the days when the X-Factor came to visit.
And you probably didn't even notice you had it.
I've noticed the same thing with certain people. They are the center of attention, but they're not even aware of it. They bring their energy to share.